Crockpot Recipes

Chocolate Crockpot Cake

Chocolate Crockpot Cake

Ingredients: 1 package devils food cake mix prepared as directed 1 package Chocolate Flavor Instant Pudding Mix prepared according to directions. 1 bag (12 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips (other flavors can be used as well, white, milk chocolate, etc) Directions Prepare cake mix as directed […]

Porcupine Balls

Porcupine Balls

Don’t let the name deter you. This is a family favorite often cooked by my mom, Penny Gibbins. Meatballs made with rice and cooked in a yummy tomato sauce. I think it is best served with mashed potatoes and canned spinach… add sour cream. Mom used to cook this on the wood stove when we lived in Colorado.\r\n\r\n~Brian Gibbins